Why I support pregnant people:
I’ve been and RMT for over 20 years and have loved everything perinatal care right from the beginning! I graduated certified in prenatal massage here in Halifax in 2004 and have been dedicated to working with growing families during much of this time.
I provide the support I wanted to receive!
I have witnessed clients and colleagues receive incredible benefits from massage therapy for pregnancy and birth and, I had to have support from massage therapists who were doulas for myself. They were incredible! I had 2 different, very challenging but very empowering pregnancies and births which I credit to the knowledge, support and innate wisdom I had.
I began at Halifax Prenatal Massage with Sara as a client and pregnant mama because I knew I was in skillful hands I could trust like my own.
I am experienced in treatments for infants and children and love teaching parents to massage their babies. I have been providing labour support as a birth doula since 2011 and have trained as postpartum doula. I’ve gratefully conceived my babies after a decade of fertility challenges and IVF. Now I am certifying as a fertility doula to further support those on the pathway to parenthood.
Along the way I’ve added massage for pelvic health (external only), hot stone massage and, have taught anatomy & physiology and treatments at a local massage therapy college. I volunteer providing peer support for lactation, and most importantly I’m a proud mother of 2 incredible little boys.

My background & training
Certifying Fertility Doula 2024
Pregnancy After Loss Provider 2024
Massage College Instructor 2020-2022
Accredited Lactation Peer Support Leader 2020
Massage Therapy for Pelvic Health level 1 & 2 2019
Associates Degree focused in Health Science 2018
Postpartum Doula 2017
Childbirth Education 2012
Infant Massage 2012
Birth Doula 2011
Hot Stone Massage 2007
Massage Therapy Diploma with Prenatal Massage Certification 2004

Why I support pregnant people:
I’ve experienced 2 pregnancies: the first one was full of pain, sleepless nights and googling, and the second one was only sprinkled with those things.
With my first I kept wishing it had been twins so I wouldn't have to be pregnant again to have two. And although during the next pregnancy I needed invasive surgery in my second trimester, I listened to my body and made small, necessary changes to take care of myself and prepare.
Finding the right therapist and creating a plan shrank the pain and dysfunction when it started. I felt vastly different - and I learned first hand how pregnancy can be with the proper support, knowledge and encouragement. I knew that I wanted to help other birthers experience less pain, sleep better, and feel better. Needless to say, it didn’t take much time for me to enthusiastically shift my sports therapy focus to a perinatal one.
When it comes to labour preparation, they always say to have a backup plan for your backup plan. And while it's true you can't control everything, how amazing would it feel if you took charge of the things you can control? If you're not sure what those things are, now is a great time to get started.
Being prepared for birth physically is such an amazing thing you can give to yourself - and I get to help people do that every day.

My background & training
Prenatal & Postnatal Fitness Specialist 2023
Cesarean Birth & Rehabilitation 2022
Pregnancy, Pelvic Girdle Pain & the Pelvic Floor 2022
Trauma & The Pelvic Floor: Treating Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse, Sexual Assault & Birth Trauma 2021
Birth & Postpartum Doula 2021
Hypnotherapy 2020
Pelvic Floor Therapy (Internal only) 2019
Advanced Assessment for RMTs 2018
Advanced Diploma in Massage Therapy 2013
Personal Training & Group Fitness Certification 2012